Th 88643

A cure for dry skin

March 1, 2002

by Joseph Blaes, DDS

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Pearl 1 — Veladerm Professional Handwash Lotion distributed by Global Dental Products, Inc. Our hands are our most valuable instruments, and, in a dental office, our hands really take a beating! We wash them many times a day, using traditional soaps that have been around for years. We have suffered from dry, cracking skin; irritations; and hand eczema for generations. I have tried everything promising relief that has come on the market, but I have never found a cure.

Now, there's Veladerm ... and it works! Veladerm handwash lotion is different. It contains urea as the active cleaning agent instead of soap, which is in most skin cleansers. Healthy skin needs sebum lipids. Soap does not just remove dirt; it also dissolves and removes the skin's protective lipid layer. Two German dermatologists' experiments using urea as a cleaning agent were highly successful. Urea cleans without destroying the skin's lipids. The contaminants are removed, but the barrier lipids remain intact. Urea is an important moisturizer for the skin; it not only cleans, but also prevents dry skin. Your hands will feel better initially after you use Veladerm, but long-term use is amazing. Your hands will feel great!

There is an adjustment to be made, because there is a lack of lather. Be sure you dry your hands thoroughly before putting on your gloves.

To order, call (516) 221-8844, fax to (516) 785-7885, or visit for details.

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Pearl 2 — Optima Plus by Bien Air. My favorite electric handpiece has just become even better! It is so easy to cut teeth with an electric handpiece. I would not want to go back to using an air-driven handpiece. The constant torque of an electric is wonderful and makes all preparation easy. Now, with the Optima Plus, you can accomplish all of your procedures with only two contra angles. You heard me right: two handpieces to do all of the procedures that you use a handpiece for now.

The Optima Plus allows you to dial in any speed you desire, from 20 rpm to 40,000 rpm. It is a high-speed, push-button handpiece for all of your tooth-cutting procedures that takes friction-grip burs and has fiber optics and three-port air/water spray. Plus, it's a slow-speed, push-button, friction-grip handpiece that accepts right-angle burs. The slow-speed handpiece has a three-port air/water spray and fiber optics as well. It will accept all of the right-angle burs you use for cavity preparation, but now they are run by an electric handpiece that will give you constant torque. Not only that, but you can put in the burs you use for implants, the rotary instruments you use for endo, anything — you are in total control with the Optima Plus. Just set the speed and go to work!

These handpieces operate at about one-third the noise level of air-driven handpieces. They are compatible with all E-type attachments. The Optima Plus can be installed permanently in your unit or it can simply be connected to any standard four-hole tubing. And it uses the foot control that you already have on the floor under the chair. No need for an extra foot control!

I was listening to some comments by dentists who use Bien Air electric handpieces at the Yankee Dental Meeting in Boston last week. One dentist told me that since he has begun using this electric handpiece, he is less tired at the end of the day. He said that his hands don't hurt like they used to and that he really enjoys cutting teeth now. He believes that his dentistry is better because his preparations are better. I would have to agree with him.

For an in-office demo, call (800) 433-2436, or visit for details.

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Pearl 3 — Flexi-Flow® by Essential Dental Systems. One of the biggest requirements for a successful prefabricated post system has always been retention. After disappointing results with other cement systems, Essential Dental Systems developed its own cement. The result is Flexi-Flow®, a titanium-reinforced cement designed to enhance the retention of all prefabricated post systems.

Simply mix equal amounts from the syringes for about 30 seconds, then coat the post and place cement in the canal with a spiral. Seat the post and leave undisturbed for four minutes.

Flexi-Flow® is a composite cement with a low viscosity that makes cementing posts fast and easy. Tip: To make Flexi-Flow® set faster, add more base. To make it set slower, add more catalyst! This product comes in a natural tooth shade (Flexi-Flow® Natural) or a gray shade (Flexi-Flow® Cem).

To order, call (800) 223-5394 for the name of a dental dealer or visit for more details. All EDS products come with a 60-day, unconditional money-back guarantee.

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Pearl 4 — Clear Wire by Pro-Flex. Here is a totally revolutionary way to make clasps for partial dentures. Clear Wire is clear, strong, flexible clasp material that can be fabricated in minutes. It can be used to make all types of clasps, from T-Bars to Roaches to Acers. The material is packaged 100 strips to a jar, with each jar making 100 clasps.

It can be used with Pro-Flex appliances or with regular acrylic appliances. Use it when a metal clasp would be unsightly and certainly not aesthetic. Use it in cases where patients want an aesthetically pleasing, comfortable, great-fitting appliance. This procedure can be done in the office or sent to a lab.

To order, call Doug Murphy at Pro-Flex at (800) 328-1276.

Dr. Blaes has a general practice in the St. Louis area. He is known for his expertise in dental materials and techniques and his innovative systems designs. He writes and lectures on "How To Increase Productivity and Profitability." Dr. Blaes is a member of the American Academy of Dental Practice Administration. He may be reached at [email protected].

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