Temporary cement: strong retention

April 1, 1999
After seating, excess material is quick and easy to remove because it simply "flicks off" the surface of the restoration. Since PROCEM adheres to the restoration, not to the tooth, cleanup time is minimized.

New PROCEM eugenol-free temporary cement offers strong retention, yet easy removal.

After seating, excess material is quick and easy to remove because it simply "flicks off" the surface of the restoration. Since PROCEM adheres to the restoration, not to the tooth, cleanup time is minimized.

PROCEM provides an extremely low-film thickness, making it an ideal cement for precisely fitting restorations, including crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays.

PROCEM is compatible with all popular temporary crown and bridge materials, including ESPE Protemp®, composite-resin cements, and core-buildup materials.

For more information, call ESPE at (800) 344-8235.

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