
July 1, 1999
The SoftLine™ Chairside Silicone Relining System from MicroSelect offers dental professionals a practical alternative to acrylic relines. Now your patients` relined dentures and partials will fit comfortably in less than three minutes. There`s no longer a need for a second visit. SoftLine™ soft-relined dentures and partials can be fabricated in the office at less than a quarter of the cost of traditional lab relines.

The SoftLine™ Chairside Silicone Relining System from MicroSelect offers dental professionals a practical alternative to acrylic relines. Now your patients` relined dentures and partials will fit comfortably in less than three minutes. There`s no longer a need for a second visit. SoftLine™ soft-relined dentures and partials can be fabricated in the office at less than a quarter of the cost of traditional lab relines.

SoftLine™ cures entirely in the mouth in less than three minutes, with no heat, odor, or unpleasant taste. Its silicone-based formula absorbs far less water than any other acrylic-based reliner, making it longer lasting and more resistant to stains and odors.

SoftLine™ is suitable for application on all synthetics based on plymethylmethacrylate material. It`s applied at chairside via an auto-mix delivery system that delivers it equally mixed in one-to-one ratios, a welcome alternative to the messy handling and inevitable air bubbles associated with acrylic-based materials.

For details, call MicroSelect at (800) 840-2650.

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