Custom edentulous impressions

Sept. 1, 1999
TrayByte Bite Block and Edentulous Custom Tray reduces the final impression and occlusal registration to just one visit, instead of three - utilizing most of the traditionally taught impression techniques. Reduced office visits means greater patient convenience. Odor-free TrayByte has no monomer smell.

TrayByte Bite Block and Edentulous Custom Tray reduces the final impression and occlusal registration to just one visit, instead of three - utilizing most of the traditionally taught impression techniques. Reduced office visits means greater patient convenience. Odor-free TrayByte has no monomer smell.

Each fully moldable thermoplastic tray has stability and accuracy equal to many popular custom-tray materials. TrayByte is easily heated in a water bath and then is molded to a final "custom tray" fit.

TrayBite is available in individual packs, lab bulk packs, lab assortment packs, and a professional assortment pack which contains a free technique CD-ROM.

For more information or to place an order for TrayByte Bite Block & Edentulous Custom Tray, contact Dentsply Trubyte customer-service department at (800) 786-0085.

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