Specialty chemicals

June 1, 1998
Hampford Research, Inc. is issuing its first catalog of specialty chemicals for UV and EB curing systems. Radiation-reactive materials include photoinitiators, monomers, leuco dyes and amines. This is an excellent source of hard-to-find photochemicals for both researchers and producers of adhesives, coatings and inks, and dental and medical products. All materials are available in quantities from 1 kilogram up to ton lots.

Hampford Research, Inc. is issuing its first catalog of specialty chemicals for UV and EB curing systems. Radiation-reactive materials include photoinitiators, monomers, leuco dyes and amines. This is an excellent source of hard-to-find photochemicals for both researchers and producers of adhesives, coatings and inks, and dental and medical products. All materials are available in quantities from 1 kilogram up to ton lots.

To order your copy of the catalog, call Hampford Research at (203) 375-1137 or fax your request to (203) 386-9754.

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