Stainless-steel impression trays

June 1, 1998
The Harry J. Bosworth Company introduces Bosworth Stainless Steel Impression Trays to its impression material line.

The Harry J. Bosworth Company introduces Bosworth Stainless Steel Impression Trays to its impression material line.

Bosworth Stainless Steel Trays are created for use with alginate or any other type of impression material where detail, reproduction, and dimensionally stable results are vital. They lock impression material in the tray to prevent distortion when removing it from the mouth.

Uniform thickness gives super rigidity for consistent results. The trays also are thin enough for optimum patient comfort. They have a smooth finish which minimizes tissue trauma, ensuring patient acceptance.

The trays are autoclavable for extended use and wear, and come in a large definitive assortment of pedo, edentulous, solid or perforated styles for partial or full-mouth impressions.

For additional information, contact the Harry J. Bosworth Company, 7227 North Hamlin Ave., Skokie, IL 60076; phone (847) 679-3400 or (800) 323-4352; fax (847) 679-2080 or e-mail: [email protected].

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