By Jeffrey B. Dalin, DDS, FACD, FAGD
The "I" in the word, "Internet," can easily stand for information. Cyberspace contains a world of information, if you only take the time to explore it. The Internet is not just for your kids or your spouse; it has countless uses for you to discover.
My May Internet column discussed 16 different ways that the Internet can immediately be put to use in your dental practice. But to benefit from these ideas, you will need to sit down and spend some time in front of your computer. The only way to be proficient in exploring what is out there, at your fingertips, is to go online and discover what is waiting for you.
Most of us drive automobiles. So, for a change of pace, let me show you how the Internet can be used in your car-buying experiences. In this column, I'm going to list some sites that will provide information about cars: prices of new and used cars, sites where you can purchase a car online, and some related topics, such as loans, insurance, and repairs.
These are very well-rounded sites. On them, you can research different models, compare prices, buy or sell a new or used car, and even shop around for insurance and financing.
Start your car shopping by visiting the following sites:
Autobytel: http://www. auto bytel. com
Cars Direct: http://www.carsdi
Cars.Com: http:// www. cars .com
Car Talk: talk .cars. com
Interested in comparing models, reviewing different makes, and discovering wholesale or dealer prices? Try these sites:
Edmunds: http://www.edmun ds . com
Kelly Blue Book: http://www.
Interested in what other consumers have to say about different makes and models? Try this site:
Epinions: http://www.epin
Do you have any questions about repairs to your car? How much should certain types of repairs cost? Is your service person doing the right thing for you? Try the following site to have these questions answered:
Salem Repair: http://www.
And for those insurance and financing questions, access the following:
InsWeb: http://www.insweb .com
Lending Tree: http://www.
Using the Internet for researching and pricing cars is a simple way for you to begin your journey into cyberspace. You will be amazed at what is out there waiting for you. You will find that using these sites not only will educate you, but they will help save you money.
Just because you have an email address and write that check to AOL each month does not mean that you are truly online. Once you find yourself using the Internet to do research, to help you make purchases, to send and receive emails on a daily basis, then you will discover what the "I" means in the word, "Internet."
Through this column, I will share dental and nondental sites with you to try to guide you through this journey. Fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride!
Jeffrey B. Dalin, DDS, FACD, FAGD, FICD, practices general dentistry in St. Louis. He also is the editor of St. Louis Dentistry Magazine and spokesman and critical-issue-response-team chairman for the Greater St. Louis Dental Society. His address on the Internet is Contact him by email at [email protected], by phone at (314) 567-5612, or by fax at (314) 567-9047.