All-ceramic restorations carry lifetime guarantee

March 1, 1999
Precision Ceramics offers a revolutionary new material that will allow dentists and patients to enjoy the benefits of all-ceramic restoratiions anywhere in the mouth. The long-anticipated In-Ceram Zirconia has flexural strengths exceeding 700Mpa and fracture toughness measured at 7.0. In-Ceram Zirconia clearly is the strongest and most fracture-resistant, all-ceramic material on the market. The laboratory includes a lifetime-warranty certificate with every case.

Precision Ceramics offers a revolutionary new material that will allow dentists and patients to enjoy the benefits of all-ceramic restoratiions anywhere in the mouth. The long-anticipated In-Ceram Zirconia has flexural strengths exceeding 700Mpa and fracture toughness measured at 7.0. In-Ceram Zirconia clearly is the strongest and most fracture-resistant, all-ceramic material on the market. The laboratory includes a lifetime-warranty certificate with every case.

For details, call Precision Ceramics at (800) 223-6322 or visit the company`s Web site at

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