Take the financial bite out of braces

July 1, 1998
Dental braces: Are they more painful for the children who must wear them or the parents who have to pay for them? A practicing orthodontist has written a manual called BRACE$AVERS for parents or adults who are having difficulty adding another expense to their monthly budget or who are frustrated by some of the unknowns that are encountered during orthodontic treatment.

Dental braces: Are they more painful for the children who must wear them or the parents who have to pay for them? A practicing orthodontist has written a manual called BRACE$AVERS for parents or adults who are having difficulty adding another expense to their monthly budget or who are frustrated by some of the unknowns that are encountered during orthodontic treatment.

Financial alternatives are introduced that hopefully will allow a family to fit braces into their budget. Since it usually takes a number of years to straighten teeth, many options are presented to decrease the stresses associated with scheduling, treatment, and life after braces (i.e., retainers).

The book is filled with time and money-saving tips that will make the reader an educated consumer when entering an orthodontic office.

Brace$avers is available by calling (847) 234-8372 or visit the Web site at www.wimall.com/forest.

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