Image courtesy of GC America
G2 Bond Universal Pack Shot

I have it—you want it! G2-Bond Universal

Oct. 26, 2021
In this bimonthly column, Dr. Howard Glazer reviews a promising new product or material to hit the dental industry. In this installment, learn more about G2-Bond Universal from GC America.

We’ve witnessed adhesive resin bonding agents evolve from fourth generation to eighth (or universal) generation, and from two bottles to one bottle. GC has recently introduced G2-Bond Universal, a unique two-bottle system using proprietary Dual-H technology. Are we reverting to the old standards? Not in the least! In fact, there are distinct advantages to this two-bottle system that will appeal to all dentists.

First, there is the ability to either self-etch (SE) or use an etch-and-rinse (ER) technique. With either method, you get a highly effective seal with a shock-absorbing bonding layer (due to its flexural strength) and no post-op sensitivity. Consequently, you can confidently seal and repair existing restorations as well as use for initial restorations, creating a high bond strength to dentin, enamel, and all restorative substrates. G2-Bond Universal has a unique dispensing system whereby you apply the hydrophilic 1-Primer component first to wet and etch the tooth surface and then apply the 2-Bond component, which provides a highly hydrophobic bond layer to facilitate stronger bonding to the restorative material. Together this system significantly reduces the risk of gap formation and debonding, helping to maintain a high-quality margin over time. The composition includes 4-MET for reliable adhesion to both dentin and enamel; MDP for increasing adhesion and allowing for bonding to zirconium, alumina, and nonprecious metals; MDTP for bonding to precious metals; and it is HEMA-free. This is a great product not only for bonding of composite and compomer restorations, but also for dual-cured composite core buildups, intraoral repair of composite, metal-based and zirconium/alumina restorations, treating dentinal hypersensitivity due to exposed tooth surfaces, and cementation of all types of restorative crown and bridge substrates using G-Cem LinkForce. When it comes to one bottle versus two bottles, it seems like GC figured out that taking a step back will actually allow us to move forward!

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Editor's note: This article appeared in the October 2021 print edition of Dental Economics.

Howard Glazer, DDS, FAGD, is a columnist for Dental Economics. He is a key opinion leader in dental products and maintains a general practice in Fort Lee, New Jersey. Dr. Glazer is a fellow and past president of the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). He lectures frequently on the subjects of dental materials, cosmetic dentistry, forensic dentistry, and patient management.

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