
A new chapter begins

Aug. 12, 2014
Creativity in any field is contagious, and I believe this is especially true in the practice of dentistry. Creative thinkers know they must repeatedly break out of the box of their own history and limitations in order to grow and become more successful.

By Joe Blaes, DDS, Editor

Creativity in any field is contagious, and I believe this is especially true in the practice of dentistry. Creative thinkers know they must repeatedly break out of the box of their own history and limitations in order to grow and become more successful. This has always been my own goal and has, and will always be, my commitment to YOU!

I came across one of these creative thinkers while visiting Cleveland, Ohio. I had arranged to visit the office of Dr. Bradley Hylan to understand how he had been able to increase his six-chair practice to a 10-chair practice without increasing the size of his building. Dr. Brad's story is this month's cover story that begins on page 14. I know you will enjoy it.

Dr. Hylan has built an extremely successful practice in a blue-collar neighborhood based on many creative innovations. His use of available space, highly organized systems, creative equipment design, selection of creative people to work, and love of dentistry have all contributed to his success.

We spent the afternoon together in his office as he showed me all the things he had designed to make things easier for everyone who worked with him. As we talked, I found Dr. Hylan to be a very humble man. He always took the time to introduce me to the people in his office. As he introduced each one, he would tell me a story about how they had helped to make the practice better.

This month's issue is packed with articles by some of the most creative and innovative people in dentistry! The August issue is one that you will want to read from cover to cover and to share with your team and your friends.

It is a fact that the more time you spend with creative people, the more you begin to think and act like them.

I know that this has been my own personal experience as my mentor introduced me to some of the great creative people who were his friends. I would always walk away with an idea that would get my creative juices flowing and eventually change my dental life. This is what I am looking forward to challenging other professionals in dentistry to accomplish!

God has blessed me with a beautiful, loving family, wonderful, loyal friends and associates, trusted coworkers, and a passion for dentistry that will never end! I am forever grateful for these many gifts I have been given. Who could ask for anything more?

When I began this journey, one individual saw the creativity within me and took a chance on me. I want to thank my good friend Lyle Hoyt for hiring me as the editor of Dental Economics. Most of all, Lyle, I will miss working with you in our many creative endeavors!

I have enjoyed these wonderful years working as editor of Dental Economics, but this will be my last editorial and "Pearls for Your Practice" in this August issue. As passionate as I have been as editor in promoting this excellent magazine, I am leaving DE, having found an exciting new future with many new challenges in the world of dentistry … for you and for me! As one door closes, another opens.

Life is good in so many ways, and I will be forever grateful for the loyal supporters who have made DE the success it has been. God bless!

Joe Blaes, DDS, Editor email: [email protected]

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