Midwest Caries ID™ handpiece lives up to the hype

Nov. 1, 2008
I don't usually talk about products here, but for the past few months, my hygienist and I have been evaluating the Midwest Caries ID™ detection handpiece ...

I don't usually talk about products here, but for the past few months, my hygienist and I have been evaluating the Midwest Caries ID™ detection handpiece from DENTSPLY Professional, and I am excited! I was introduced to this device at a DENTSPLY Key Opinion Leaders meeting last year. We heard from one of the researchers and looked at a prototype model of the handpiece. To be honest, I was skeptical. But I was wrong — Midwest ID lived up to the hype!

My hygienist found it very easy to use, and particularly liked the easy, one–step calibration of the device. She found it comfortable to handle and liked the audio and visual confirmation. She was enthused about the ability to detect interproximal decay, and the fact that fluoride did not interfere with the readings. She found that she did not have to keep the tooth totally dry while taking readings, a particular help on children and especially children with permanent teeth. Based mainly on her findings, I would say that you should certainly take a good look at the Midwest Caries ID.

November is a time to say thanks for all the many blessings that have come to me. In my practice, my team members are the people who support me day in and day out. I certainly could never treat my patients adequately without them. I try to thank them every day, but sometimes I forget. So, in this public forum, I would like to say a heartfelt thanks to my office team.

I certainly do not put this magazine together by myself. I have a terrific team of editors and support people (they are listed on the masthead page) who put up with my direction and ideas. It is extremely difficult to do this job from St. Louis when everyone else is in Tulsa, Okla. E–mails are not a very personal way to communicate, but I try to do my best.

I read all the articles and decide which ones will be published. My team in Tulsa reads the articles, checks them for grammar and spelling, and polishes them to make them more readable. Then they create the artwork and format for the magazine. This is where they really shine! The Tulsa team is the backbone of this magazine; they breathe life into the articles and make me look great. I have been DE's editor for 12 years now, and I don't think I have ever thanked the Tulsa team publicly for all they do. I cannot think of a better group of people to work with, and I sincerely thank them for all they do.

Since Dental Economics® is supported by advertising, there is another great group of people I work with very closely — the DE sales team. They keep the magazine going strong by selling the ads that allow me to publish great articles every month. I frequently travel with them to meet with the marketing people at dental companies. I talk dentistry, and then the sales team tells them why they should be in our magazine. You guys are fantastic, and I thank you for all you do.

Twelve years ago, DE's publisher, Lyle Hoyt, took a chance on me and hired me as editor. I did not know anything about journalism, but I did know how to become a successful dentist. When I came on as editor, DE was so small, we couldn't print the name of the magazine on the spine! We went to work and made it what it is today — the best–read, practice–management journal in dentistry! Lyle, thanks for the opportunities that you have given me. Our best years are still to come as we meet new challenges and turn them into great successes.

So that brings me to you, the reader. As I read articles, I try my best to read them as a dentist and not an editor. A lot of people tell me they cannot write well. Neither can I, but I can tell my story and that is what writing is all about. One of the best compliments I ever received was from a classmate who told me that when he finished reading an issue, he had only a few pages and the back and front cover left. The reason was he tore out everything to save or give to others.

Many times, you have come up to me at a dental meeting just to tell me how much you enjoy reading our magazine and how you have used the information to make your practices better. A huge "thanks" to all of you! If you have any ideas or want to write or share something with us, go to our community Web site and tell us. And thanks again for making us No. 1!

Joe Blaes, DDS, Editor — e–mail: [email protected]
Toll–free phone number: (866) 274–4500

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