Masel offers two new "heavy-duty" pliers. On average, the use of these two pliers will eliminate four minutes from your initial facebow adjustments.
The Safety Hold Lab Cutter, Model #4150-410, will cut up to .045 hard stainless steel in one easy squeeze. The safety-hold feature eliminates fly-away segments, helping to prevent chairside accidents. The Vertical Loop Forming Plier, Model #4150-403, also does its job in one easy squeeze. This model has a grooved flat jaw that securely holds the wire while the loop is being formed.
Both models are extra large, heavy-duty pliers with vinyl safety handles that must be removed for sterilization. They offer double-action triggers with spring-loaded joints for ease of use, even by the most petite staff member. Both have inserted tips for long life without burs or markings on your facebows.
All products are sold with a 100-percent satisfaction guarantee. Catalogs are available in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portugese and Japanese.
For a copy of the catalog or additional information, call (800) 423-8227.