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Pearls For Your Practice

Feb. 1, 1997
Pearl #1-OptiBond Solo by Kerr (Figure 1). For those who like the OptiBond technique, Kerr now has simplified things greatly. First off, you get filled technology for better adhesion and better microleakage protection-the same you expect from the OptiBond you have come to know. So, you don`t risk any problems with bond strength. Secondly, you get a new, one-step system that saves you time (fewer steps) and money. That`s great news, but I saved the best for last. Not only are there fewer steps to

Joseph A. Blaes, DDS - Editor

Pearl #1-OptiBond Solo by Kerr (Figure 1). For those who like the OptiBond technique, Kerr now has simplified things greatly. First off, you get filled technology for better adhesion and better microleakage protection-the same you expect from the OptiBond you have come to know. So, you don`t risk any problems with bond strength. Secondly, you get a new, one-step system that saves you time (fewer steps) and money. That`s great news, but I saved the best for last. Not only are there fewer steps to greater bond strength, but you get the slickest dispensing system you ever saw. It`s a great, new, unidose system that looks like a rocket. You twist the head off the "rocket," and you have a container with one-tenth of a milliliter of OptiBond ready for dispensing with your Microbrush. There is no way that you can dispense one-tenth of a milliliter from a dropper bottle, so there is less waste with the unidose system. It comes packaged in a foil wrapper with the "rocket" inside. Infection control is much better-you use it once and throw the whole thing away. The unidose system costs the same as the dropper-bottle system, but I bet I can treat more teeth with the unidose than you can with the dropper bottle! Contact your dealer or call Kerr at (800) KERR-123.

Pearl #2-IntegraPost System by Dental Logics (Figure 2). This is a titanium alloy post that gives you biocompatibility and strength. It has a surface with hundreds of raised facets that allow the cement to integrate with the post to form a powerful interlocking bond within the canal. The head of the post is uniquely designed with three holes that make it one of the easiest posts to handle. You simply use the IP Carrier to engage the cross hole and carry the post to the tooth. The flow-through head of the post also allows build-up material to integrate with the post head. Call (800) 778-0075 for details.

Pearl #3-Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Dentists by Marsha Freeman. How many of you have always thought that it would be great to have a manual in the office with all of your procedures in it? What a great way to train a new staff member! But most of us have been too busy to create it. Well, now there is a book that will make it easy for you. Marsha will take you step by step through a model procedural manual that will help you develop your own in-house, customized procedural manual in much less time than you could create your own. A manual will create measurable standards for your practice. It also comes on a computer disk, and it has a money-back guarantee. How can you lose? Call Marsha at (800) 563-1454 and get organized!

Pearl #4-Salix SST by Scandinavian Pure and Natural. The uncomfortable feeling of dry mouth (xerostomia) affects millions of people, particularly the elderly. Now comes an all-new way of solving an old problem-Salix is natural relief. Dry mouth is one of the most common side effects associated with numerous medications, and it is a frequent side effect of people receiving chemotherapy. Dry mouth is not only irritating, but it also causes difficulties in speaking, swallowing and eating, as well as an increased susceptibility to decay. Too often we, as dentists, do not have a solution, so people turn to hard candy or throat lozenges, which further damage the teeth. Salix is a simple, easy-to-use tablet that you allow to dissolve in the mouth. It tastes great and provides an instant, long-lasting effect. It is clinically proven not to cause decay. We keep a supply in our office to give to patients as starter samples, and we refer patients to pharmacies and health-food stores that carry the product. Call Scandinavian Natural Health & Beauty Products at (800) 288-2844.

Pearl #5-DentiPatch by Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. This is a patch that is designed to be applied to the soft tissues of the mouth. It delivers profound Lidocaine anesthesia to the area to which it is applied, right to the depth of the bone. After application, you can penetrate to the bone with a 25-gauge needle, and the patient feels no pain. You now can confidently tell your phobic patients that you can get them numb without feeling a thing! There are a number of soft-tissue applications such as scaling and root planing, ultrasonic scaling, perio probe examination and therapeutic fiber placement, all of which can be accomplished with complete comfort using the DentiPatch. Call Noven Pharmaceuticals, a leader in patch technology, at (888) 55-NOVEN.

Dr. Blaes has a general practice in the St. Louis area. He is known for his expertise in dental materials and techniques and his innovative systems designs. He writes and lectures on "How To Increase Productivity and Profitability." He may be reached at (314) 843-3300.

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Figure 1

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Figure 2

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