Maragliano Muniz Pamela Sept2020

It’s an exciting time for implant dentistry

Dec. 3, 2021
The success of a dental implant requires prosthetically driven placement, soft-tissue support and contour, superior esthetics, proper function, and routine maintenance. Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz lauds the technological advancements in implant dentistry.

Dental implants are a reliable option for single-tooth, multiple-tooth, or full-arch tooth replacement. However, today’s standards dictate that dental implant survival alone is an inadequate measure for success. The success of a dental implant requires prosthetically driven placement, soft-tissue support and contour, superior esthetics, proper function, and routine maintenance.

These parameters are more easily met through technological advancements. 3D imaging and digital treatment planning enable the dentist or specialist to accurately assess the areas where implant placement is considered. Clinicians can visualize the proposed implant position and any anatomic limitations that could, without this technology, contribute to post-op or prosthetic complications.

Surgical robotics are being introduced into clinical practice, and implant placement has never been more accurate or efficient. Digital workflows support the fabrication of custom healing abutments, immediate provisionals, and final restorations with reliability and efficiency. These advancements will allow dentists to accomplish these historically technique-sensitive and time-consuming procedures with greater predictability and markedly less chair time.

These technologies also contribute to a positive patient experience. Patients appreciate when procedures are well-planned and executed with little-to-no post-op discomfort or complication. Moreover, there are technologies that can streamline the payment process. When patients have exceptional experiences, this will lead to improved outcomes, positive online reviews, and patient referrals.

The November 2021 issue of DE celebrates the advancements in implantology. The process for planning and surgically placing implants has become extremely precise. There are more expectations placed on restorative dentists to ensure that peri-implant soft tissues are properly supported and contoured for esthetics, improved function, and to facilitate maintenance. Technology has improved to assist the restorative dentist in successfully fabricating restorations that mimic biology and exceed patient expectations. An efficient and robust implant practice will contribute to the profitability and growth of a dental practice.

Editor's note: This article appeared in the November 2021 print edition of Dental Economics.

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