Maragliano Muniz Pamela Sept2020

Entrepreneur: What does this word mean to you?

Dec. 3, 2021
Do you think of yourself as an entrepreneur? Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz explains why you should, and how it affects the success of your practice.

Whether you like it or not, if you are a dentist, you are an entrepreneur. While this is true, I never really considered myself one. I always thought that if you are honest with patients and provide great care, the rest will fall into place. When I was an associate, this approach seemed acceptable enough. I treated every patient in my schedule to the best of my ability, but I didn’t actively try to grow “my” practice; I assumed I was busy enough if my schedule was booked.

When I bought an existing practice, I quickly learned that this approach wasn’t going to help my practice grow. I had to tell my story through branding and encourage growth through marketing. I also had to learn which marketing strategies would work for my practice and which, through experience, failed miserably. Moreover, having a vision for what your dental practice should look and feel like isn’t enough. If your team doesn’t share your vision, it will not come to reality.

There are many ways to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit. One way is by focusing energy on your practice to carry out your vision and pursue your definition of success and professional satisfaction. This month’s issue of DE will explore strategies to support dental practice entrepreneurs. Some dentists look beyond their individual practices, identify voids in the industry, and innovate to address these challenges. Three particularly influential entrepreneurs are featured this month; they tell their stories and offer their perspective for those inspired to follow suit.

Editor's note: This article appeared in the October 2021 print edition of Dental Economics

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