Attendees have the opportunity to network with other dentists and speakers during breaks and events.

Dental Economics presents: The Marketing Playbook

April 1, 2021
DE's Principles of Practice Management Conference focuses on bringing realistic business solutions to everyday issues that confront dentists, practice owners, and dental administrators. Here's why you should attend in 2021.
Chris Salierno, DDS, Chief Dental Officer, Tend

Why does someone choose to be treated by you and not the practice down the street? How do we replicate and amplify that success to others in your community?
Our profession has never seen so much change in such a short period of time. Innovations in materials and technology, competition from consolidating group practices, rapidly evolving media platforms, and a global pandemic are just a few of the challenges dentist business owners must face. And through it all, our practices must create and convey value to our patients. We must work to remain relevant; it rarely comes passively. We should always be thinking about how to successfully engage patients, whether we’re just starting our ownership journey or we’re anticipating where our successful practice needs to be in the future. It’s not an easy task and Dental Economics is here to help.

Join us on October 14th–15th at the DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Paradise Valley-Scottsdale, Arizona, for the 2021 Principles of Practice Management Conference. This year’s theme is “The Marketing Playbook” and our aim to provide you with exactly that. We’ve put together a comprehensive program that will help you discover and effectively communicate value.

Kristie Boltz, who DE readers will know by her former surname of Nation, will set the stage with some marketing fundamentals. You’ll learn about campaigns, budgeting, and tracking success. Abe Kasbo will present global marketing trends and insights from other industries. Next, Dr. Josh Austin’s course on online reputation management will demystify the world of reviews and teach you what to do if you get a bad one. Dr. Nate Lawson operates the massively popular Instagram account @dentinaltube and he’ll share his secrets to that platform and how to create killer content. Dr. Ed Zuckerberg will expand your social media knowledge and how Facebook in particular continues to influence potential patients.

We’ll also host panel discussions with our speakers, networking with companies who want to see you succeed, and some well-earned social time with colleagues at the pool bar. Like our past conferences, The Marketing Playbook promises to be day and a half packed with actionable education and camaraderie.

About the Author

Chris Salierno, DDS | Chief Dental Officer, Tend

Chris Salierno, DDS, is a general dentist from Long Island, New York. He graduated from Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine in 2005. Dr. Salierno lectures internationally on clinical dentistry, practice management, and leadership development. In 2017 he became a chief development officer with the Cellerant Consulting Group, and he was the chief editor of Dental Economics from 2014 to 2021. In 2021, he became the chief dental officer at Tend. He can be reached on Instagram @the_curious_dentist.

Updated May 13, 2022

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