In support of Dick Biggs

July 1, 2000
Editor`s Note: The following two letters are just a sampling of the many calls and letters I received supporting Dick Biggs following a letter that appeared in the May issue of Dental Economics.

Monte Thompson

Executive Director, Utah Dental Association

Salt Lake City, Utah

Editor`s Note: The following two letters are just a sampling of the many calls and letters I received supporting Dick Biggs following a letter that appeared in the May issue of Dental Economics.

All truth can be harmonized in one belief system. While a particular principle of truth may be extremely important, the origin of it may be of little or no significance.

How can the search for truth occur when a full discussion is discouraged, and when references to sources of ideas cannot be mentioned?

To work oneself up about the source rather than the principle thwarts good learning. Throw everything into the educational mix - even the footnotes!

Who knows where they might lead?

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