Sony Electronics introduced its DPA-300 digital still recorder and its UP-2100 color video printer last month at the Chicago Dental Society meeting.
The DPA-300 digital still recorder records up to 2,000 picture images on a mini disc for convenient storage and includes audio recording over the picture image. It also features an automatic time and date stamp caption on each image for effective archiving of files. The DPA-300 displays images at a resolution of more than 480 TV lines and uses a JPEG base line and a fixed data length algorithm for data compression.
The UP-2100 color video printer is a high-performance, small-format printer with a low running cost per print, making it an economical solution for the printing needs of today`s dental market. With a 200-sheet media capacity, it has a fast print speed and outputs high-resolution images. This printer was designed specifically with the dental market in mind, and also is ideal for other scientific applications.
For additional information, call Sony Electronics at (800) 686-SONY.