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Ready for dental business boot camp?

April 1, 2018
Now in its third year, DE’s Principles of Practice Management Conference is set to take place July 12–13 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Whether you’re looking to build a up a single practice, expand to multiple locations, or start a dentist-owned DSO, this conference is for you.

Now in its third year, the Dental Economics Principles of Practice Management Conference is set to take place July 12–13 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

This year’s lineup features workshops led by authors from the pages of Dental Economics, including Josh Austin, DDS; Brady Frank, DDS; and Tim Twigg. If you’re ready to take copious notes, ask difficult questions, and have real conversations about accelerating your practice, the time to sign up is now.

The goal of DE’s Principles of Practice Management Conference is to give you the skills and inspiration you need to execute your strategic business plan. Whether you’re looking to build a up a single practice, expand to multiple locations, or start a dentist-owned DSO, this conference is for you.

Register today!

DE’s Principles of Practice Management Conference

Early bird and office discounts available through May 31
Visit principlesofpracticemgmt.com
for details and registration

DE’s Principles of Practice Management Conference

Featured Speakers and Workshops

Brady Frank, DDS
Top DDSO Strategies: Expansion, Multidoctor, Multilocation, Coownership, Success Blueprint
Learn about dentist-owned private group models, or DDSOs. Discover and clarify the strategic plan for the growth of your practice.

Chris Salierno, DDS
The Four Types of Dental Systems
Understand essential systems and use key performance indicators to evaluate success.

Tim Twigg
HR Success = Good Communication
Learn how to change employee behavior and management principles that help employees think like owners.

Joshua Austin, DDS, MAGD
#ReputationMatters: Thrive in Today’s Crowd Sourced Market
Discover the psychology of internet reviews.

Allen Schiff, CPA, CFE
Forming a Group Dental Practice: Develop your A Team
Here are the answers to critical questions about forming a group practice.

Mike Meru, DDS, MS
Ethical Challenges You Face Every Day in the Dental Office
This isn’t your typical, boring discussion on ethics: Look at real situations and real cases that will challenge your values.

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