Chairside-bleaching simulation on CD ROM

Aug. 1, 1999
DICOM Imaging Systems Inc. recently released Whitener™, the first of four value-added modules for Dental Imaging Suite™.

DICOM Imaging Systems Inc. recently released Whitener™, the first of four value-added modules for Dental Imaging Suite™.

At the touch of a button, Whitener™ automatically identifies teeth in a smile or facial image and lightens them, accurately simulating commonly performed tooth-whitening procedures. "Tooth-whitening is one of the fastest-growing areas in cosmetic dentistry," said David Gane, DDS, DICOM Imaging Systems Inc. president. "By providing compelling tooth-whitening simulations, it has never been easier for patients to visualize the benefits of a whiter, brighter smile."

Whitener™ is available through DICOM Imaging Systems Inc. at (877) 62-IMAGE or fax to (877) 284-7590.

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