Bisfil™ 2B in new shade

Jan. 1, 1999
You hear about the "Directed Shrinkage" technique everywhere you turn. Bisco was the first company to address this gap-resistant protocol first described by Drs. Kanca and Bertolotti. Use of Bisfil™ 2B has saved tens of thousands of teeth from sensitivity. To expand its versatility, Bisco has created a darker, more dentin-like shade (approximately A3.5), especially for cases extending outside the proximal-line angle and visible from a frontal view. Self-curing, syringeable Bisfil™ 2B i

You hear about the "Directed Shrinkage" technique everywhere you turn. Bisco was the first company to address this gap-resistant protocol first described by Drs. Kanca and Bertolotti. Use of Bisfil™ 2B has saved tens of thousands of teeth from sensitivity. To expand its versatility, Bisco has created a darker, more dentin-like shade (approximately A3.5), especially for cases extending outside the proximal-line angle and visible from a frontal view. Self-curing, syringeable Bisfil™ 2B is available now in the new shade and the original universal shade (approximately A2) in two-syringe, four-syringe, and combination packages.

For additional information, call Bisco Dental Products at (800) BIS-DENT.

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