Balancing Your Life

Jan. 1, 1999
There is no practical value in facts unless you can focus on the wise use of a body of knowledge. Focus, the ability to concentrate on the application of knowledge, comes from doing four things well:

How to be more intentional,

think more clearly,

do more consistently,

and have what really matters.

Dick Biggs

Facts vs. Focus

There is no practical value in facts unless you can focus on the wise use of a body of knowledge. Focus, the ability to concentrate on the application of knowledge, comes from doing four things well:

l. Define your purpose (discussed in July 1998 column).

2. Determine your dominant interests (discussed in August 1998 column).

3. Develop your goals (to be discussed in February 1999 column).

4. Decide on your priorities (to be discussed in March 1999 column).

The Master Plan Funnel Concept™ (MPFC) is a focus tool for minimizing procrastination and maximizing performance. Focus begins with purpose, which is why you do what you do. A well-defined purpose statement will help you sort out what`s really important in life and simplify your decision-making. You`ll be clear about where you`re going because the big picture will be before you.

Dominant interests are the major areas of your life where you spend time. Have you determined these areas by designing your own dominant interests chart? If so, your lifestyle focus should be clearer; if not, I urge you to do so now.

Once your dominant interests are in place, set short-term and long-term goals within each of these areas. I`ll be sharing a "7 R`s" goal-setting system in next month`s column to stimulate greater self-motivation and sharper focus for pursuing what you want out of life. You`ll be encouraged to go beyond dreaming to doing.

Finally, as we`ll discuss in March, priorities enable you to achieve daily results. It`s the tip of the Master Plan Funnel Concept and is the secret to optimal focus. The key is a unique "5 D`s" system for prioritizing your goals to ensure daily achievement.

The bottom line is this: When priorities get done daily, goals are eventually realized. When goals are achieved in all of your dominant interests, there is balance. And when there is balance, you`re more likely to fulfill your purpose and lead a more meaningful life.

Dick Biggs is president of Biggs Optimal Living Dynamics. An inspirational speaker, he is the author of If Life is Balancing Act, Why l Am I So Darn Clumsy? For more information about Mr. Biggs, call (770) 886-3035.

Master Plan Funnel Concept


(Offers lifetime direction)

Dominant Interests

(Generate lifestyle focus)


(Provide short-term & long-term motivation)


(Get daily results)

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