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Dental Economics Advisory Board profile: Joshua Austin, DDS, MAGD

Oct. 7, 2021
Together with our publishing team, board members work to improve DE and make it an essential resource for dentists and the dental industry. This month's featured member is Dr. Joshua Austin.

Featured member:

Joshua Austin, DDS, MAGD

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What are three products you’d rather not live without?

iTero Element 5D Plus. We scan every new patient, which really helps them understand their needs and improves case acceptance. Tuff-Temp Plus. This stuff does such a great job of absorbing bite forces and dissipating them with its rubberized resin. Scotchbond Universal Plus. This bonding agent is radiopaque, and I love that it includes glass ceramics and zirconia primer.

What’s your favorite procedure?

I love anterior indirect restorations because I enjoy the dramatic difference they make in a patient’s life in just a few hours. Few procedures in dentistry offer this feeling.

What do you enjoy outside the practice?

I’m an avid user of my Peloton bike and tread. You can find me doing something Peloton-related pretty much every day. Jess King is my favorite instructor!

Editor's note: This article appeared in the October 2021 print edition of Dental Economics.

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