Image courtesy of Ortek Therapeutics
BasicBites are sugar-free, candylike chewables that can raise acidic pH in the oral cavity, thus reducing decay.

I have it—you want it! BasicBites

Oct. 16, 2023
In this popular bimonthly feature, Dr. Glazer gives a quick review of a promising dental product on the market today.

Chew away tooth decay? Well, not exactly, but BasicBites are sugar-free, candylike chewables that can raise acidic pH in the oral cavity, thus reducing decay. Cariogenic oral bacteria cause acid formation, which breaks down both simple and complex sugars to produce the acids that dissolve tooth enamel. The late Dr. Israel Kleinberg, often referred to as the “grandfather of modern oral biology,” discovered a new and important enamel-protecting microbiome technology, which is found in BasicBites. The ingredients in BasicBites are arginine, calcium, and bicarbonate/carbonate anions. Commensal pH-raising bacteria metabolize arginine, which produces acid-reducing alkali; high levels of free arginine in saliva are associated with caries resistance. Calcium is well known to support remineralization of enamel, and here too, BasicBites increases the amount of calcium to support remineralization. When arginine and calcium have a positive charge in the saliva and combine beneficially with saliva’s negatively charged anions, bicarbonate and carbonate form to enhance the cariostatic nature of saliva.

These little 15-calorie squares, in chocolate or caramel, are tasty and beneficial to your oral health in four ways: 1) They immediately and continuously neutralize harmful acids by activating tooth protecting buffers; 2) They enrich and support enamel remineralization; 3) They coat and replenish vital nutrients to enamel; and 4) They help beneficial pH-raising bacteria thrive while crowding out acid-producing microbes. BasicBites just may allow us to chew away tooth decay!

Editor's note: This article appeared in the October 2023 print edition of Dental Economics magazine. Dentists in North America are eligible for a complimentary print subscription. Sign up here.

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