LaserFousWorld Test

An Effective Soft Tissue Trimmer For Under $5

April 30, 2018
Komet CeraTip is an affordable option to an expensive laser for many surgery applications.

You’ve probably noticed that dental lasers have become pretty popular over the past 15 years. There are many different kinds, using all different wavelengths, and at a wide range of price points. However, not every dentist is sold on the cost and everything that goes into adopting laser technology in their practice. Moreover, some dentists just buy into the KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid) mindset, which in many cases makes a lot of sense. With so many technology choices on the market, is a laser really the best choice for you right now? The smartest dentists know how to measure whether a new piece of technology makes sense with their ROI and when to implement it into their practice.

So, what is the solution to removing soft tissue easily and with minimal bleeding and trauma without investing in an expensive laser? Take a look at Komet’s CeraTip™.

With Komet’s CeraTip™, bleeding is greatly reduced during operation because of thermal coagulation, which seals the blood vessels during the procedure. Komet’s CeraTip™ burs are suited for a wide range of mucosal-surgery applications and provide an ideal alternative to scalpels and lasers for gingival trimming. With one-piece, ergonomic construction, the CeraTip™ instrument can be employed for a variety of applications in the field of gingivectomy. Trim gingival tissue for under $5 per patient.

“I own and utilize two different lasers in my practice for various procedures, but they’re expensive to purchase and maintain. For some procedures, it’s just easier to grab the CeraTip™ and get to work without having to set up the laser. CeraTip™ is a simple, effective approach and it’s also nice to know I can still do the job if my laser goes down.” Dr. Christian Yaste - Ballantyne Center for Dentistry - Charlotte, NC

Learn more about Komet USA’s CeraTip™ and other quality rotary instruments by clicking here.

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