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Adhese® Universal is a new single-component, light-cured, universal adhesive for bonding procedures.

April 20, 2017
Adhese® Universal from Ivoclar Vivadent is a new single-component, light-cured, universal adhesive for direct and indirect bonding procedures. It is the only universal adhesive available in the VivaPen® delivery form. Read More...

By Joe Blaes, DDS

Adhese® Universal from Ivoclar Vivadent is a new single-component, light-cured, universal adhesive for direct and indirect bonding procedures. I know what you are thinking … another bonding agent. I say, wait, this one is different. What sets this universal adhesive apart from others? It is the only universal adhesive available in the VivaPen® delivery form, as well as in the traditional bottle delivery form. Adhese Universal is compatible with all etching techniques: self-etch, selective enamel-etch, and total-etch. The ergonomically designed VivaPen enables the adhesive to be delivered with just the touch of a button directly to the preparation in a fast and convenient manner with virtually no waste. This delivery platform will deliver up to 190 single-tooth applications. This is significantly more than a traditional adhesive bottle delivers. When you do the math, this drastically reduces the cost per application, and makes your bonding procedures more cost-effective treatments. We know that many studies by various manufacturers, as well as independent research studies, have shown that the bond strength of adhesive materials decreases over time. This is caused by the evaporation of solvent in the adhesive. This is why the adhesive gets thicker as the bottle empties. Most adhesive bottles should be discarded when they are one-third full. The VivaPen, on the other hand, delivers consistently high bond strength over time because it "locks in" the material to ensure fresh material every time. If I need one drop or four drops during a restorative procedure, all I have to do is push the button on the VivaPen. Another advantage you will find is that you do not have to go back and forth to the well to get sufficient adhesive to cover the preparation. Not only that, but there is no wasted adhesive left in the well and no well to clean up. Your assistants will also love the VivaPen. So you and your team reduce waste and save time. When you stop and think about it, maybe that last patient who complained of postop sensitivity was the result of adhesive from the bottom of the bottle. Get a VivaPen and try Adhese Universal in your practice. I think you and your team will love the convenience.

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