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Unexpected impression extractions

Oct. 1, 2011
Welcome back! This month’s tip involves a method of making a definitive immediate denture impression on a patient with mobile teeth.

For more on this topic, go to and search using the following key words: impressions, Dr. Joe Massad.

Welcome back! This month’s tip involves a method of making a definitive immediate denture impression on a patient with mobile teeth. A frightening situation that confronts both patients and dentists is “impression extractions,” and generally no anesthetic has been administered. When a situation like this occurs — if you are making immediates, this situation is not uncommon — I suggest the following as a somewhat protection method to minimize unexpected impression extractions.

In the area of the mobile teeth, it is suggested that any undercut or intertooth space be blocked out with an impression material that can be separated and left in the mouth while removing the definitive impression. The figures below demonstrate this technique I developed many years ago. They have made my life much less stressful.

See you next month. I hope my pleasure in dentistry will also be yours ... Joe Massad.

Dr. Joseph Massad may be reached at (918) 749-5600 or at [email protected].

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