Th 147474


April 1, 2004
TPC 15"LCD screen with x-ray viewer. This unique monitor has a slide out "drawer" in which a traditional radiograph is placed.
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TPC 15"LCD screen with x-ray viewer. This unique monitor has a slide out "drawer" in which a traditional radiograph is placed. The image is projected on to the screen for easy viewing and can be saved into a digital format. The fully functional monitor has internal storage allowing image comparison. mirror images and more. The company has an array of high tech products on the web site

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Camrex 191 intraoral camera. This low cost camera offers a simple solution for an office looking for basic patient education. At only 40 grams, and using 6 white LEDs, the camera has a built in feature that will freeze up to 4 images. Its images are best at closeup and its handle design allows it to fit in a standard handpiece bracket.

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Radii curing light.This cordless curing light combines high output (1400 mW/cm2), portability (5.4 oz) and long battery life with a very low cost, listing under $700. The unit, which includes a built-in radiometer in the base, now has optional light guides, ranging from 8-12mm in diameter, extend the range for hard to reach areas of the mouth.

Next month, Dr. Feuerstein discusses:

* Touch screen data input monitors
* Tablet PCs
* Virtual keyboards

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