The Business of Dentistry

April 15, 2014
You will learn what makes a dental office successful and profitable. The areas discussed in detail include; the importance of delivering high quality dentistry ...

By Alan Richardson


Basics of Business Success

You will learn what makes a dental office successful and profitable. The areas discussed in detail include; the importance of delivering high quality dentistry, providing exceptional customer services and understanding what makes the business work and be profitable, safeguarding the patient base as the most valuable asset by understanding continual care, the role of insurance, management of collections and receivables. Also discussed is the role of leadership to ensure the team is committed to common vision and goals, so the practice is a fun place to work, is productive, profitable and a place that patients enjoy visiting.

Educational Objectives:

At the conclusion of this educational activity the participant will be able to identify the following:

  1. The importance of delivering high quality dentistry
  2. The basics of practice profitability
  3. The four primary areas to manage for success
  4. The importance of exceptional customer services
  5. The importance of leadership
  6. How to minimize embezzlement

To view this course in its entirety, please click here.

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