Michelle Strange, RDH, with her podcast cohost, Andrew Johnston, RDH, at the 2019 RDH Under One Roof conference

DE’s Advisory Board member profile: Michelle Strange, MSDH, RDH

April 1, 2020
Our editorial board helps provide timely and accurate information. Let’s meet one of them!

Tell us about a product or technology that has recently changed your world.

Erythritol and glycine air powder polishers have been absolute game changers for me. I graduated as a dental hygienist in 2005, and from that moment began using sodium bicarbonate as a way to “polish” my patients. To say I am a fan of powder over pumice is an understatement. There were some downsides to the sodium bicarbonate, and now all of that has changed with the introduction of glycine powder and erythritol powder. 

My goal is to provide a more therapeutic approach to patient care by managing biofilm in the chair and guiding patients to the best options for home care. Changing my approach to patient care has made my life easier and my patients happier.

What’s a piece of advice you wish you knew five years ago?

Only one piece of advice? Hmmm. 

There is an upside and downside to having a podcast and attending so many CE courses, because I know so much more now than I did five years ago. My entire approach to patient care and educating our future colleagues is totally different. I wish five years ago I better understood disease prevention. What I can do for patients and what I can bring to a dental practice goes far beyond how well I remove calculus and explain restorative procedures. Oral health is so much bigger than the “cleaning” appointment and reappointing in six months. Critical thinking and tailored care are crucial to patient success! 

I do wish I had implemented ergonomics and body care into my career right out of the gate. Hindsight is 20/20 (and also free of shoulder pain).  

Name: Michelle Strange, MSDH, RDH

Practices at: Clinical volunteer at Our Lady of Mercy in Charleston, South Carolina

Education: Associate degree, Trident Technical College, 2005
Bachelor of health science, Medical University of South Carolina, 2008
Master of dental hygiene education, University of Bridgeport Fones School of Dental Hygiene, 2012

Areas of expertise: Infection control, home care, biofilm management, implant maintenance 

Website: michellestrangerdh.com 

Also known for: Cohost of A Tale of Two Hygienists podcast

Podcast links: 

Website: ataleoftwohygienists.com
Facebook: A Tale of Two Hygienists
Instagram: @ataleoftwohygienists

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