New rebuilding unit available

Dec. 1, 1999
Score International Inc. introduces its third do-it-yourself highspeed handpiece-rebuilding unit, which allows the dentist to repair any highspeed handpiece in-office for a small price, eliminating downtime. Designed with technology gathered from years of experience, over 250,000 handpiece repairs, and input from the bearing manufacturers themselves, the EX Press III is the ultimate in fast, easy, precision, high-quality handpiece repairs. The new model utilizes simpler procedures, requires no g

Score International Inc. introduces its third do-it-yourself highspeed handpiece-rebuilding unit, which allows the dentist to repair any highspeed handpiece in-office for a small price, eliminating downtime. Designed with technology gathered from years of experience, over 250,000 handpiece repairs, and input from the bearing manufacturers themselves, the EX Press III is the ultimate in fast, easy, precision, high-quality handpiece repairs. The new model utilizes simpler procedures, requires no guesswork, guarantees precision placement of the bearings on the spindle, and works on every highspeed handpiece on the market.

Current EZ Press I and II owners will be offered a special low-upgrade price.

For more information, call (800) 726-7365 or (407) 322-3230.

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