Blau Fig1

Multiple Spot Removal

June 1, 2012
Spots on teeth can range in color from White hypocalcification to brown with various sizes. An easy, conservative treatment ...

by Dr. Bruce Blau

Spots on teeth can range in color from White hypocalcification to brown with various sizes. An easy, conservative treatment is available at a reasonable fee with a few short visits.


Clean teeth to be treated with a rubber cup and prophylaxis paste, then apply a rubber dam. Using a gear reduction angle mounted on a slow speed handpiece; PREMA is applied and compressed upon the teeth surfaces. Rotary application (MICROABRASION) is continued for up to 60 seconds for 10-15 minutes. This was done until the BROWN STAIN was completely removed. Treated surfaces were then saturated with a neutral sodium fluoride gel for 4 minutes.


Alginate impression taken of Maxillary teeth for “Bleaching” type tray. Then, pumice, etch with 37% phosphoric acid (30 seconds) and after rinsing off; place MI PASTE for 5 minutes.

Repeat the placement of MI PASTE for another 5 minutes.

Send patient home with “Bleaching” type tray with a tube a MI PASTE. Instruct patient to wear tray with paste FULLY covering treated teeth for ½ hour TWICE a day for 2 weeks, then return for office visit.


Pumice, acid etch and placement of MI PASTE-same as 12/05/11 visit. Patient instructed to wear “Bleaching” type tray at home with MI PASTE for ½ hour-TWICE a day for 2 more weeks.


Applied MI PASTE again, after etch and pumice. Patient wore tray with MI PASTE again until satisfied.


Patient returned to office, extremely happy, photos taken; treatment complete.


BRUCE B. BLAU, DDS, FIADFE, has practiced cosmetic and general dentistry in Midtown Manhattan for 28 years. Dr. Blau is a Fellow of the International Academy of Dental-Facial Esthetics and has lectured in the metropolitan area on esthetics, sports injury, pregnancy, and infant care. He can be reached at [email protected].

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