
The Hard and Soft Chairside Denture Reline

July 29, 2014
Complete and partial removable dentures can become ill-fitting. This can be due to alveolar ridge resorption, wear and damage to the denture base, among others.
A Peer-Reviewed Publication Written by Ian E Shuman, DDS, MAGD


Complete and partial removable dentures can become ill-fitting. This can be due to alveolar ridge resorption, wear and damage to the denture base, among others. Chairside denture relining or repairing broken areas can correct many of these problems. Chairside procedures provide immediate resolution, avoiding the edentulous period of time accompanying laboratory relines. This course will demonstrate the evaluation, treatment planning and implementation of chairside denturereliningin a variety of scenarios.

Educational Objectives:

At the conclusion of this educational activity participants will be able to:

  1. Learn current trends in the denture market.
  2. Identify the various reasons for an ill-fitting denture.
  3. Discuss the options available for chairside denture relining.

To view this course in its entirety, please click here.

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