Latest trends in dental technology

Aug. 1, 2008
I am very proud to put this issue of DE® in your hands. In it, you will find valuable information on dental technology and how it will affect the future of a dental practice.

by Joe Blaes

I am very proud to put this issue of DE® in your hands. In it, you will find valuable information on dental technology and how it will affect the future of a dental practice. I feel it is important for you to be aware of the advances in technology, even though you may feel that it is not for you. Your patients are going to be seeing reports on these new technologies on the morning shows and on "Oprah," or they will read about them in their favorite magazines. Next, your patients are going to be asking you about what they have seen or read, so you need to have the latest and best information on the trends in dental technology so you can discuss it with them.

Be sure to read Dr. Matthew Lark's insightful article on CBCT (Cone Beam Technology) and how it can give you more information so you can diagnose and treatment-plan better than ever. The Digital Workflow will show you how technology that is already here can and will make you a better dentist. In another article, my good friend, Dr. Jeff Dalin, interviews Matt Roberts about his thoughts and insights into what is happening in the dental lab industry today. Matt is one of the most respected dental laboratory technicians in the country, and you will be amazed by what is coming.

One of my greatest fears has always been a disaster at my office that would wipe out everything that I have accomplished in a few short hours. I was stunned when Dr. Brad Dykstra called me about the fire at his office. Brad's office was featured in the May 2006 issue of DE. In this month's issue, read his story about how he made his decision to move forward and rebuild. Pay particular attention to the technology that he incorporated into this new office. I hope this article will also motivate you to put a disaster plan in place for your office, if you don't already have one.

Dianne Glasscoe-Watterson became a new columnist for us last month. Dianne is a great dental practice-management coach who will share her expertise monthly in her column titled "Practice Wisdom." I am so very proud of all the columnists who write for us on a regular basis and share their great ideas with you every month. I always tear out several columns to use in my lectures. Thanks to all of you!I am writing this column from Boulder, Colo., where I am attending a Sonicare Advisory Board meeting. I want to share with you some of the information from this meeting. Philips Oral Healthcare, the maker of Sonicare toothbrushes, has long been recognized as a technology leader in oral health. A less well-known fact is Sonicare's leadership in scientific research. They invest heavily in cutting-edge research, investigating the dynamic nature of oral biofilm and the inflammatory response. Recent innovations in diagnostic technology have fostered a largely enhanced understanding of the oral microflora in health and disease, as well as the host response.

Philips Oral Healthcare stands at the forefront of this research, partnering with the leading academic institutes across the country. Making this knowledge available to the dental profession — and eventually translating it into meaningful innovation for our patients — is at the core of Sonicare's corporate mission and ethical values. I feel this company is going above and beyond with this research ... research that may not sell more toothbrushes but will certainly give us new scientific information that will change the way you and your hygienists practice!

On June 28, all the kids (four) and grandkids (eight) came to St. Louis for the Annual Blaes Family Vacation. In case you have forgotten, there are 16 of us all together. We kicked it off with a drive to Springfield, Ill. (about 100 miles from St. Louis), to visit the new Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. We spent about three hours touring the museum, and it was wonderful. We all learned many things about Lincoln's life and times! I would highly recommend a trip to Springfield for a visit. The museum is inexpensive, kid-friendly, and fun for all!

Joe Blaes, DDS, Editor — e-mail: [email protected]
Toll-free phone number: (866) 274-4500

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