Air abrasion cavity-preparation system

July 1, 2000
Lares Research introduces the improved MicroPrep® Producer™ air abrasion, cavity-preparation system. The Producer is a compact, economical counter-top model that has been reduced in weight for elevated portability. The pressure regulator has been upgraded to a nonpiloted design, using merely the airflow required to conduct the dental procedure. This saves money by reducing air-pressure measurements in PSI and kPa on the new Bourdon tube-style gauge, while symbols label the controls, el

Lares Research introduces the improved MicroPrep® Producer™ air abrasion, cavity-preparation system. The Producer is a compact, economical counter-top model that has been reduced in weight for elevated portability. The pressure regulator has been upgraded to a nonpiloted design, using merely the airflow required to conduct the dental procedure. This saves money by reducing air-pressure measurements in PSI and kPa on the new Bourdon tube-style gauge, while symbols label the controls, eliminating language barriers. The Producer has recently been determined to be the top-rated system in its class by an independent research institute (report available upon request).

For additional information, contact Lares Research at (800) 347-3289.

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