Dental silver-recovery system is easy to use

Nov. 1, 1999
The new REDI-COVERY™ dental silver-recovery system from Allied Diagnostic Imaging Resources, Inc., is an easy-to-use, effective compliance device for recovering silver from dental X-ray fixers. Each system is designed to meet and exceed federal discharge guidelines. REDI-COVERY™ systems are easily installed on most film processors, designed to work effectively for one year, and have a fully compliant disposal process. There are no electrical or moving parts, making operation simple.

The new REDI-COVERY™ dental silver-recovery system from Allied Diagnostic Imaging Resources, Inc., is an easy-to-use, effective compliance device for recovering silver from dental X-ray fixers. Each system is designed to meet and exceed federal discharge guidelines. REDI-COVERY™ systems are easily installed on most film processors, designed to work effectively for one year, and have a fully compliant disposal process. There are no electrical or moving parts, making operation simple.

To complete your compliance program, Allied Diagnostic will inform you when it is time to change your system. A pre-printed label, shipping container, and instructions are included with each REDI-COVERY™ system.

For additional information, call (800) 477-5440 for the name of the dealer nearest you.

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