Revolutionary device is mouth prop, aspirator and retractor

July 1, 1996
The Dentapop is a new, revolutionary device that performs many of the same functions as a dental assistant. The Dentapop provides tongue retraction, continuous suction of fluids and debris during a dental procedure and a mouth prop to help the patient hold his/her mouth open. The patient simply holds the mouth prop between his/her teeth, stabilizing the Dentapop in place. The Dentapop is universal for both the left or right side of the mouth and one size fits all. It can increase productivity fo

The Dentapop is a new, revolutionary device that performs many of the same functions as a dental assistant. The Dentapop provides tongue retraction, continuous suction of fluids and debris during a dental procedure and a mouth prop to help the patient hold his/her mouth open. The patient simply holds the mouth prop between his/her teeth, stabilizing the Dentapop in place. The Dentapop is universal for both the left or right side of the mouth and one size fits all. It can increase productivity for the dental office by allowing the dental assistant to perform other functions while the dentist or hygienist can work independently.

For details, call 800-959-8517 or circle the number below.


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