Angled picks serve as dental cleaner and gum stimulator

May 1, 1996
Mack Blevins Enterprises releases the "Pro Pick," a unique dental cleaner and gum stimulator. Pro Pick`s unique quality is in its 45° angle with thin tapered ends, designed to reach those hard-to-reach areas. Both dentists and dental hygienists recommend the use of Pro Picks for everyone, but especially those who wear braces or have bridges that a normal pick can`t reach. Pro Picks are made of a synthetic blend of material, which is approved by FDA, that will not splinter or break off in-be

Mack Blevins Enterprises releases the "Pro Pick," a unique dental cleaner and gum stimulator. Pro Pick`s unique quality is in its 45° angle with thin tapered ends, designed to reach those hard-to-reach areas. Both dentists and dental hygienists recommend the use of Pro Picks for everyone, but especially those who wear braces or have bridges that a normal pick can`t reach. Pro Picks are made of a synthetic blend of material, which is approved by FDA, that will not splinter or break off in-between your teeth. The pick comes in a variety of packaging styles and counts for your convenience. You may find Pro Picks in restaurants, drug stores, grocery stores or in your local dental office.

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