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Product spotlight: Harmonize by Kerr Dental

Feb. 8, 2017
As part of our 2017 Chicago Midwinter new products feature, Dr. Austin looks at Harmonize from Kerr Dental.
As part of our 2017 Chicago Midwinter new products feature, Dr. Austin looks at Harmonize from Kerr Dental.
Harmonize by Kerr Dental
Midwinter booth Nos.: 1207. 1402, 1408
More information:

Harmonize, Kerr's latest universal composite, provides cosmetic dentists the ability to blend composite like never before. Its chameleon effect is remarkable, allowing clinicians to achieve tremendous esthetic results predictably. It makes resin composite restorations blend, especially in anterior esthetic areas.

Harmonize polishes quickly and simply, further enhancing the esthetic results. Handling has also been a focus for Kerr in its design, which won't slump or stick to your instrument.

By incorporating zirconia as a filler, Harmonize sets itself apart from a chemistry standpoint from other universal composites on the market. Check out the Kerr booth at Chicago Midwinter or talk to your Kerr representative for a demonstration!

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