1702decmw Pgc America G Cem Linkforce

Product spotlight: G-Cem LinkForce by GC America

Feb. 8, 2017
As part of our 2017 Chicago Midwinter new products feature, Dr. Maragliano-Muniz interviews the GC America team about G-Cem LinkForce.
As part of our 2017 Chicago Midwinter new products feature, Dr. Maragliano-Muniz interviews the GC America team about G-Cem LinkForce
G-Cem LinkForce
Midwinter booth No.: 4600
More information: gcamerica.com

When it comes to offering predictable color stability, strength, wear resistance, and low film thickness, it G-Cem LinkForce is a force to be reckoned with! This is a definite "must-see" at Chicago Midwinter.

Interview with the GC America team
Why is G-CEM LinkForce an exciting addition to your extensive line of cements?

G-Cem LinkForce is a new dual-cure adhesive resin cement that can be used for all types of indirect restorations, including veneers, without any compromise to strength or esthetics.

What are some key features to this cement?

When restoring any tooth with an indirect restoration, dentists accept restorations that look good, fit well, and will provide a long-lasting result. G-Cem LinkForce is a cement that can be trusted to help dentists achieve the results they seek.

First things first, G-Cem LinkForce is strong; it surpasses all other competitive resin cements in tensile and flexural strength. G-Cem LinkForce contains a high number of homogenously dispersed glass filler particles. These particles are so small that G-Cem LinkForce is highly durable at a film thickness of 4 microns! These small particles also contribute to the wear resistance of this cement.

G-Cem LinkForce will not wash out at the margins of your restorations. If you finish and polish your margins, this cement is highly polishable. G-Cem LinkForce also offers superior color stability and esthetics. There are four cement shades and corresponding try-in pastes, and the color of the cement will not change over time. G-Cem LinkForce has a tooth-like fluorescence and is ideal for all of your aesthetic restorations, including anterior crowns and veneers, especially your paper-thin, conservative-prep veneers.

How does it work that G-Cem LinkForce offers the option of being light or dual curable? Are there two formulations of this cement?

When GC America's G-Premio Bond is used in a 1:1 ratio with GC America's G-Premio Bond Dual Cure Activator, G-Cem LinkForce offers the flexibility of being either or both visible light cure or dual cure in one cement. G-Cem LinkForce has universal applications for all types of indirect restorations. With G-Cem LinkForce, you only need to keep one cement in your office.

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