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Get your hands on the future of dental technology

Sept. 22, 2016
Chief Editor Chris Salierno, DDS, can't wait for the next International Dental Show (IDS). Fortunately, in the mean time, he gets to attend the Dental Technology from Germany exhibit at the German pavilion during the Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM). You should be there, too.
Chris Salierno, DDS, Chief Dental Officer, Tend

Chief Editor Chris Salierno, DDS, can't wait for the next International Dental Show (IDS). Fortunately, in the mean time, he gets to attend the Dental Technology from Germany exhibit at the German pavilion during the Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM). You should be there too.

Next year will be my second time attending the International Dental Show (IDS), the largest dental meeting in the world. If the show is anything like last year's, I will be joined in Cologne, Germany, by roughly 140,000 other dentists and dental industry leaders. It is the place to go to see where our industry is headed in the next few years. My eyes will be open wide, my jaw will hit the floor, and I'll run around like a kid in a candy store.

But if you can't make it to Germany next spring, Germany will come to you. VDDI, which is the Association for German Dental Manufacturers (and which stands for Verband der Deutschen Dental-Industrie), is celebrating its centennial by bringing a piece of IDS to the 2016 Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM). This year, you will get that "kid in a candy store" joy when you visit the Dental Technology from Germany exhibit at the German pavilion during GNYDM.

Forty-two exhibitors will offer an international experience you can't get at other trade shows in the United States. Perhaps the coolest feature will be the Science Lab: a hands-on experience that will allow you to play with the technology and materials of the future. This event is for the dentists who are early adopters, technology whizzes, or who just have insatiable curiosity. I'll be there geeking out over the best dental science that Germany has to offer, and I hope to see you there too.

Many German exhibitors are looking forward to attending the 2016 Greater New York Dental Meeting.

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