
Another use for BruxZir solid zirconia

May 20, 2014
During the past seven years, we have seen the majority of our lab's dentists switch from doing bi-layered PFM crowns to monolithic BruxZir and IPS e.max crowns.

By Michael DiTolla, DDS, FAGD

During the past seven years, we have seen the majority of our lab's dentists switch from doing bi-layered PFM crowns to monolithic BruxZir and IPS e.max crowns. Both of these monolithic materials are stronger than PFM porcelain: IPS e.max is three times as strong while BruxZir is 10 times as strong.

In much the same way, the BruxZir Full-Arch Implant Prosthesis is being prescribed by dentists to replace another metal substructure with a weak layer on top: a screw-retained titanium bar with acrylic and denture teeth processed to it. The titanium bar is strong (just like the metal coping of a PFM) but the acrylic and denture teeth are weaker and prone to fracture (like the ceramic on a PFM). The BruxZir Full-Arch Implant Prosthesis is a monolithic solution to this problem that can provide superior strength and surprising esthetics for the teeth and gingival tissues.

Once the dentist has placed the screw-retained denture setup try-in, the patient and dentist check the function, phonetics, and esthetics, and make any changes until both are satisfied. The denture setup try-in is then returned to the lab where it is scanned on all surfaces so that it can be digitally re-created in three dimensions. The prosthesis will be milled as an exact copy of the denture setup try-in, and will be characterized to look like natural gingival tissue and teeth.

Michael DiTolla, DDS, FAGD, is the director of clinical research and education at Glidewell Laboratories in Newport Beach, Calif. He lectures nationwide on both restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Dr. DiTolla has several free clinical programs available on DVD through Glidewell Laboratories or online at

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