Letters to the Editor

May 1, 2012
I am a general dentist in New Jersey, and I as well as several dentists I know are regular readers of DE. I’d like to highlight ...

Hi Joe,

I am a general dentist in New Jersey, and I as well as several dentists I know are regular readers of DE. I’d like to highlight a few great articles by JoAn Majors that have appeared in DE. These are always beneficial for me. In particular the Jan. 2012 article on last-minute cancellations and how to prevent them. I called JoAn to ask follow-up questions to this article, and she was kind enough to take the time to explain further her methods to reduce cancellations. I also found out that she offers practice-management services that I plan on taking advantage of in the future. I’d like to commend DE and yourself for differentiating the content in your magazine from the overkill of clinical magazines and content available to dentists. DE is unique in that respect and columns like JoAn’s are of particular interest to me. Thanks again for featuring her in the magazine, and I hope to see more articles like this in the future.

Peter S. Fam, DMD, FAGD
Monroe Township, NJ 08831

Aloha from Hawaii,

Just a short note to thank you for including the article by Ken Runkle on Abundance. What a refreshing read. I had to doublecheck to make sure I was reading a dental journal. I commend you for including something like this in such a well-respected journal like Dental Economics. I know there will be many who will criticize an article like this and will give you a lot of grief, but I believe addressing issues like this is something that is sorely lacking in our profession as well as society in general. Thank you for taking a risk, and I look forward to more of the same in future issues of DE.

Dr. Ken Yasuhara
Honolulu, HI 96814

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